Unathi Mkhize

Age: 25    Languages: Zulu, English    Height: 1,89    Shoes: 9   Waist and Shirt: 34 & Medium


Stunt experience

  • King Shaka (Paramount CBS)
  • The River (Mzansi Magic)
  • Spear (Netflix)
  • Mkhokheli (Feature film)


Gun handling

  • The River- long form series Mzansi magic

Boxing training



(2017) Inner Of Eden

(2018) Nightman’s Taxi- Co-Star

(2018)Ungalahli- Lead

(2019) Siyaya: Co-Star

(2019) Umhlaba- Support

(2019) The List- Support

(2022-2023) The River- Lead: Nkanyiso

(2023) Roomies- Lead: Ntsika

2021 -Isphindiselo – Vusimuzi Support

(2023) Mkhokeli- lead: Tboz
(2023) Spear- support to lead: Njabulo
(2023) King Shaka- Warrior



(2018) Sambulo- Lead

(2019)Ubuzima Bendoda- Lead



(2018) The Box- Short film: Lead

(2018) Old Sole- Short film: Support

Category: Males/ Male/ Men/ Man/ sesotho/ xhosa/ zulu/ english/ tall/ muscular     Black/ African