Lesego Khoza

Age: 33     Languages: Sesotho, Setswana, Zulu, English     Height: 1,6     Shoes: 4     Waist and Shirt: 32 and Medium


Market Theatre 2013-2014


Television and Film

2019 Journalist: The Queen S3,4,5 (Mzanzi Magic)

2020 Rorisang: Sephiri High (Mzanzi Magic)

2020 Lindiwe: Isono (BET Africa)

2022 Mbali: Justice Served (Netflix)


2019 Tiny Tokoloshe: Neka Dacosta (Peter Toerien Theatre)

2018-2019 The little Prince: Clara Vaughn and Mwenya Kabwe (Kwasha!)

2019 Three Women: Vernice Miller (Touring show based at Market Theatre)

Category: Females/ Female/ woman/ women    Black/ African/Sotho/Tswana/Zulu/English