Gift Segopolo

Age: 22     Languages: Setswana, Sesotho, IsiZulu, English, Afrikaans   Height: 1,7     Shoes: 7     Waist and Shirt: 32 and Medium

Education and Training

2020-current University of Witswatersrand: Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance


Television and Film

2022 Misfired directed by Kamogelo Boale

2021 Switched



2022 What Was Is No More (Joburg Theatre)

2022 Market Lab vs WITS Yes Let’s Improv Challenge

2023 Khaya Ebumnyameni (WITS Orientation Week Performance)

2023 Lerumo Badimong (PACOFS)

2023 DKMS Cancer Awareness Flashmob

2024 Patient Woyzeck directed by Dr Meyer Taub (WITS Theatre)

2024 Hooked on Books (Traveling Show)



2019 Brother’s 4 Life (TV Commercial)

2019 Coca Cola Africa (TV Commercial)

2020 Baker’s Biscuits (TV Commercial)

2021 Wild Island (TV Commercial)

2022 KFC SA (TV Commercial)

2022 DSTV Compact (TV Commercial)

2022 MTN SA (TV Commercial)

2023 Standard Bank (TV Commercial)

2023 Momentum (TV Commercial)



2020-Current Radio: Voice of WITS (News Anchor and Reporter, Content Producer, Co-Host

Category:  males/ male/ man/ men    Black/ African/ isiZulu/ Afrikaans/ South Sotho/English     Singing/Tenor/Baritone/Musical Theatre/ Opera/Pop/Rock/Country/RNB/Soul/Jazz/Dance/Hip Hop/Contemporary/Gumbot/Musical Instruments/Acoustic guitar/ Sports/Tennis/Soccer/Swimming/Baseball