Amahle Khumalo

Age: 27     Languages: English, IsiXhosa, Isizulu     Height: 1,52     Shoes: 4     Waist and Shirt: 28 and Small


Sambulelo -Support

On My Own -Lead

The Road Untravelled -Lead

Waiting -Support

Savages -Lead

Web Series- Savages



( 2020) Erased:Nonhlanhla-Support (Moja love series)

( 2020) Phuma Moya: Tshego- Support ( Moja love Series)

( 2021) Umzali Wami: Licia- Support (Mzansi Magic)

( 2022) Isiphindiselo: Phumzile- Lead (Sabc 2)

( 2022) Big Nunu’s little heist: Innocentia – Support to lead ( Netflix)

(2023) Generations The Legacy: Khanyisile -Support to lead ( SABC 1)

( 2024) Empini: Nosipho- Support to lead ( Showmax)



Massiv Metro                     -Radio Broadcaster

Category: Females/ Female/ woman/ women    Black/ African/ Xhosa/ Zulu