Olwethu Leshabane

Age: 26     Languages: English, isiXhosa, Basic Afrikaans     Height: 1,6     Shoes: 5     Waist and Shirt: 30, Small

In life, there are people who wear a lot of hats and Olwethu Leshabane is one of those people. The Mrs South Africa first princess is a digital strategist and by extension; a media entrepreneur, public speaker, Play Your Part ambassador, a social media influencer and founder of The Red Wings Project – an NGO aimed at addressing the issues of access to sanitary products for South African women.

On top of ALL of that, Olwethu Lesh (as she’s known on social media) is a wife and mommy. No wonder she has put the title “superwoman” in her bio and blog because you’d need to be superhuman to slay at all of that.

Her incredibly full life has also provided most of the content for her blog and Instagram page but at the core of it all, Leshabane is all about being a giver and a women empowerment advocate

Olwethu has featured in several television commercials namely, “Fochini”(Lead), “Peak Milk” (Lead) and “Dettol: (Lead). Olwethu was crowned the 2016 1st princess for Mrs SA and was an MC for “Nedbank”, “CANSA” AND “Mamas + Papas”

Category: Females/ Women/ Woman     Black/ African